How to create your signature in word
How to create your signature in word

how to create your signature in word

Click Insert from the menu bar and pick AutoText > New.Click Quick Parts > AutoText and choose the name you gave it. When you want to add your signature and text, place your cursor in the document where you want it and go to the Insert tab. In the pop-up window, add a Name you’ll recognize and choose AutoText in the Gallery drop-down list.Go to the Insert tab and click Quick Parts > Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery.Select the image of your signature and the text beneath it.

how to create your signature in word

This allows you to insert it easily in future documents you create. If you plan to reuse the signature and the text that you add as described above, you can save it altogether. Just like when you insert an image of your signature, you can add text on the line below it if you wish.īonus: Create a Reusable Signature with Text

how to create your signature in word

Once you finish, you can drag the edges of the drawing canvas to resize it or drag it to a different location in the document.

  • Use your mouse or touchpad to sign your name inside the canvas.
  • Click the drop-down for the tool to change the color or thickness of the line.
  • Choose a drawing tool like the black pen.
  • On Mac, you can choose Draw with Trackpad if applicable.
  • Go to the Draw On Windows, select Drawing Canvas in the ribbon.
  • If you don’t have an image of your signature, you can use Word’s Draw tab to create your signature using your mouse or touchpad. Use the Draw Tool to Sign the Word Document To add text, simply go to the line beneath the image and type in what you like. Add a picture style or use the Corrections drop-down to adjust the brightness and contrast. You can also take advantage of the other image editing tools in Word on the Picture Format tab if you like.

    how to create your signature in word

  • Drag the edges of the image to keep only the part you want and hit Enter or Return.
  • Select the image and click the Picture Format tab that appears.
  • Browse for and choose the image, click Insert.
  • On Windows, choose This Device in the ribbon.
  • Go to the Insert tab and select Pictures.
  • Place your cursor on the spot in your document where you want your signature.
  • Then, crop it or add some typed text below it if you like such as your job title, the date, or your phone number. You can insert that image quickly and easily. If you already have an image of your signature on your computer, you’re one step ahead. Insert an Image of Your Signature in Word We’ll show you how to do both and have a bonus for you at the end of this tutorial to create a reusable signature. You can add a signature in Word in a couple of different ways, with an image or the Draw feature.

    How to create your signature in word